When it comes to how a bottle of wine is closed, “You Can’t Judge a Book by its Cover.” For many a cork signifies quality but its counter, the screw cap, seals wines of equal integrity. There’s a romanticism associated with uncorking a bottle and the popping sound it makes; but, the cracking sound of the screw cap has its own charm.
Corks, with evidence of use dating as far back as the Greek and Roman times, are the traditional closure for a reason: true cork is sustainable, breathable, and has a proven track record for aging wine. However, they’re susceptible to variation and taint, also known as TCA, which could hurt the wine. The more-controlled synthetic cork is also susceptible to taint and often hard to extract from the bottle. Nonetheless, with these uncontrollable elements at play, many believe that corks are the only and best way to age wines, especially reds.
On the other hand, Screw Caps are virtually air-tight, so no taint can enter and harm the wine. And though wines closed by screw caps age a bit slower than their cork counterparts, they certainly age. Screw caps are easy to open and close, and only require a simple twist, no corkscrew needed.

So, crack open a bottle of Osmosis Sauvignon Blanc, and remember it’s not only low-alcohol, it’s also a “light” 85 Calories per serving! Enjoy just a glass, if you like, and store the rest for next time with a simple twist of the cap back onto the bottle.