It’s the most wonderful time of the year and we’re gearing up for festivities with plenty of eating and drinking! Through the holiday season, maintaining a healthy diet can feel challenging but it’s as simple as swapping out high calorie ingredients for...
One of the great pleasures in life is sitting down with a good book and a great glass of wine. They’re a perfect pair and even more enjoyable when they can be shared with friends. Here’s a guide on how...
It’s Halloween night and your kid(s) empty a large haul of their trick-or-treating candy onto the table. Every Hershey, Reece’s, and Kit Kat teases you and you’re tempted to reach in but you withhold. You put the little one(s) to...
When it comes to how a bottle of wine is closed, “You Can’t Judge a Book by its Cover.” For many a cork signifies quality but its counter, the screw cap, seals wines of equal integrity. There’s a romanticism associated...
Almost every country has a signature pastry filled with meats, cheeses, or vegetables. Poland has Pierogies’; England, Pasties; India, Samosas. We have a preference for the Argentine Empanada. Tracing its origins back to 16th century Spain, the empanada is believed...
Cheese boards are an elegant centerpiece, or accoutrement, to any table. The right combination of shapes, sizes, textures and colors grabs the attention of your guests and invites them to gather around. There’s an art to it that starts with...
The weather is crisp, the sky is bright and pumpkins are everywhere! Fall is here and that means its finally pumpkin season! Who doesn’t love these bright orange globes that are synonymous with autumn? Pumpkins are not only decorative, but...
There is really a science to deciding which wine glass to use for your wine! With so many shapes and sizes, how do you know which is right for the wine you’re drinking? And does it really influence the wine? ...
The right combination of food and wine can make a great wine taste even better, creating a synergy between the flavors, while a mismatched pairing can make both taste off. Though choosing a pairing can seem intimidating and you may...
What does it mean when someone refers to a wine’s terroir? Winemakers often credit the terroir as what makes their wines different, special. They also feel it’s the most important part in their winemaking process! In the broadest sense the...
As winemakers at Osmosis, we feel that it is important to respect what the earth has given us and protect it for future generations. Sustainable wine growing is a comprehensive set of practices that are are environmentally sound, socially equitable and economically viable.
Summer means fresh from-the-farm produce, best eaten simply to savor their ripe flavors. It's also a time when we want to eat lighter and get outside more.